2025 SELinux enable port懶人包,推薦清單整理


2.4.4. Changing port numbers Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

By default, SELinux allows http to listen on TCP ports 80, 443, 488, 8008, 8009, or 8443. If /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf is configured so that httpd listens on ...

Allow Access To Port in SELinux and Firewall

2021年8月5日 — Allow Access To Port in SELinux and Firewall · Start with checking the port allocation and confirming the port you want to allow access to isn't ...

Allow Access To Port SELinux, Firewall

2018年4月6日 — Allowing access to ports through SELinux is one of the things that came across while setting up Elasticsearch cluster on Cent OS servers and I ...

Configuring SELinux port definitions

The SELinux port assignment we're looking for is http_port_t . As you can see, only the displayed ports ( 80 , 81 , 443 , 488 , 8008 , ...

How to change SSH port when SELinux policy is enabled

2023年4月24日 — How to change SSH port when SELinux policy is enabled. 1: Check the current port of ssh. 2: Add another port lable in selinux policy for ...

How to enable selinux for a custom port

2020年6月23日 — 1 Answer 1 ... semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 16700 is the correct action to allow the port in SELinux. If it doesn't work then you need ...

Httpd SELinux Port

Httpd SELinux Port. ... service; enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2019-10-17 07 ...

Opening ports to Security

2020年9月22日 — Situation. How to use the semanage command to open required ports for MSS or HACloud sessionserver for a Redhat or CentOS system. Resolution.

SELinuxTutorialsManaging network port labels

2022年6月23日 — SELinux port labels ... Within SELinux, ports are labeled, just like other resources. The semanage port command displays the rules for port ...

第三章、SELinux 初探

-l, --list List records of the boolean object type -1, --on Enable the boolean -0, --off Disable the boolean [root@localhost ~]# semanage boolean --list SELinux ...